Texas isn't the first state Republiqans have destroyed. Does anyone remember what happened to Kansas? It wasn't a sudden disaster like this, it was a slow collapse, intentionally engineered.

This is what they do, one way or another. Any red state that hasn't collapsed yet, will.
Kansas ran an experiment in Republiqan economic theory, implementing all the tax cuts, deregulation and government service eliminations Republiqans have been pushing for. *Everything* collapsed. Duh.

This is what they do. They came this close =>||<= to doing it to America.
It still could happen to the nation as a whole, rolling through states, and then having Fascists re-seize control in Washington and implementing feudal-type monarchical disregard for everyone who isn't a Noble Lord. That's their goal.

Texas wasn't a mistake. It was a trial run.
I didn't include Flint, only because it wasn't state-wide, but Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are very close to collapse. So is Florida. And I'm sure you can all think of other red states that are on life support.
Now, imagine what will happen when multiple red states collapse at the same time, all needing massive federal bailouts.

Imagine Republiqans control the House, Senate and White House at that time, and have neither the competence nor the desire to help.
What I describe above, of course, is the wet dream of our enemies. We cannot be conquered or destroyed from the outside. The collapse of America must come from within. But it likely is being funded and encouraged by the people who put Trump in office. https://twitter.com/ratfink6923/status/1362587573550542850
This ⤵️ is how they deflect blame. Remember how they blamed Obama for all the shit left over from Bush?

I have already heard rightist commentators who are suddenly shocked--shocked, I say!--by all the COVID deaths happening under Biden. https://twitter.com/kbock00/status/1362589084045238273
And as you all know, Republiqans are blaming certain Democrats and the Green New Deal (which hasn't been enacted, and would have no teeth if it did) for the collapse of Texas.

They blame Democrats for the enormous deficits Republiqans create.
A technique Trump tried, that almost worked, was to run scenes of the violence last summer, and say that was how "Biden's America" would look. Ignoring that it literally happened in Trump's America. (And was caused by white supremacists.)
We have to remain vigilant, engaged, active and informed. We have to support and vote for Democrats, at all levels of government, in =every= election. We have to register voters, get them to the polls, and defeat vote suppression tactics. Democracy depends on us.
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