#WandaVision   Easter Eggs & Theories Part 5 (2 threads):


WV pays homage to a staple of 00s TV this week with an inspired title sequence & very suggestive lyrics while Billy Maximoff breaks the 4th Wall much like Malcolm.. something Pietro notices.
Pietro is billed “as Himself” while everyone else in the sequence is only introduced by their name. Agnes doesn’t have a surname.

Read the lyrics of the openings song, they’re incredibly suggestive of the reality of Westview👇🏾

The lines are attributed to who they appear with.
-Pietro’s speed in WandaVision is represented exactly the way it was in AOU and not how it was in the X-Men.

-In this Halloween themed episode, he dresses like the comic version of Quicksilver, as does Tommy.

-Billy is dressed as his comic book counterpart Wiccan.
-All the costumes so far allude who these characters actually are. *Keep that in mind.

-Wanda is dressed in the famous Scarlet Witch outfit or in her words, a “Sokovian fortune teller”

-Vision is dressed in his classic comic outfit, which he refers to as the “Mexican Wrestler.”
-Pietro also seems to have memories of the MCU Pietro, first off reminding Wanda of a Halloween when they were kids.

-Wanda seems confused by the memory & by Pietro (a running theme) he says it’s suppressed trauma.

-Young Wanda & Pietro are dressed as Black Widow & Nick Fury.
Vision is aggrieved early on because there are “no other clothes in his closet”. He then tells #Wanda he isn’t coming trick or treating because he’s going on Neighhood Watch, Wanda is perplexed, this wasn’t in her plans.

#TheVision tells her to “Be Good”. #WandaVision
Halloween in Westview!

Pietro shouts “unleash hell, demon spawn” at the twins, only spicing up theories of Mephisto’s existence.

In the comics they were created using parts of his soul. Mephisto is a devil.

He also says- “Damnit, if Westview isn’t as charming as Hell”.
Wanda quizzes Pietro on the past and he picks up on her “testing” of him because he looks different. Noting that “if I had found Shangri-La, I wouldn’t wanna leave either.”

In the comics, Shangri-La is a mythical land that is founded by Vision where he is its immortal guardian.
There’s a reference to Kick-Ass (2010) which both Quicksilvers, Evan Peters and Aaron Taylor-Johnson star in.

Tommy and Pietro’s joint line “I feel the need for speed” is a quote from Top Gun (1986) and a hint at Tommy’s superhero name, Speed as well as his powers.
The whole town is dressed up for Halloween. Herb, who is on Neighbourhood watch dressed as Frankenstein... :/ Asks Wanda if she wants him to change anything. Is this a hint at her control over him?

He also calls everything Pietro and Tommy do before they do it.
‘Yo-Magic’ Commercial.

The creepiest and most ominous ad yet! This ad could be interpreted as:

-a Faustian pact, a deal with the devil.
-“snack on yo magic” tag line could be alluding to Wanda’s magic possibility being syphoned, or she could be feeding off someone else.
-cartoon shark colours are always blue and white, the same colours Pietro dons.
-In the opening scene, Tommy says that Billy is afraid to wake Pietro up in case he’s a vampire.
-another hint at the ads referencing Infinity Stones. If accurate, this would be the Soul stone.
Vision technically does go on a Neighbourhood Watch... just not the part he supposed to watch.

The people near the edge of the town were repeating movements, a lady who couldn’t move otherwise had a tear in her eye.
The further he got, the more still they were.

How far does Wanda’s magic stretch?
In episode 5, Vision mentions there are no children in Westview, in episode 6 children appear en masse.

Vision transforms into his true form & flies around to investigate, finding Agnes.
-in a daze. Agnes mentions getting lost, Vision questions this because she was supposedly born in Westview.

When Vision touches her head the way he touched Norm’s, she tells him he is dead & that Wanda won’t let anyone go. We also learn that Vision isn’t aware of the Avengers-

Agnes cackles psychotically at their exchange. This scene may calm theories of her being Agatha Harkness but it could also be a misdirect. *Note that she is wearing a witches costume, she also wasn’t still like the others on the edge of Westview.
In the opening scene, she is wearing sweat pants with the word “naughty” on them.

Remember, Agatha Harkness has never been an outright villain or evil. Could Agnes be faking confusion?

Her license plate is also either very generic or very intentionally fake.
Agnes drives off and Vision ventures to toward to energy field at the edge of Westview, literally finding himself at a crossroads at Ellis Avenue.

The same Ellis Avenue Wanda tells the twins to stay away from when Speed gets his powers outside of the theatre.
The Coronet Theatre is playing The Incredibles (2004) and The Parent Trap (1998) The former about a superhero family in the suburbs and the latter about reunited twins. The Parent Trap title also works as a double entendre since Vision is literally trapped in Westview.
Wanda comments on Pietro’s new accent and he comments on hers, another meta nod to fan discussion about Wanda’s accent.

Pietro tells her that his last memory was being “shot like a chump for no reason.” Then hearing Wanda’s call for him, knowing he had to come for her.
Pietro makes it clear that he knows Wanda created this reality, asking her how. She responds that she doesn’t actually know how, she just felt lonely, empty and nothingness. Wanda is surprised that Pietro doesn’t think it’s a bad thing.
When she turns around, she sees the dead version of him complete with the bullet holes. The last time she saw him, much like with Vision in episode 4

Monica, Jimmy & Darcy are thrown off the premises by bad man Hayward for questioning his intention to kill Wanda, Monica says they don’t know what will happen if they do.

Hayward doesn’t know who Darcy works for and neither does she.
The trio (Jimmy has hands!) do away with some Sword agents and steal their uniforms to investigate Hayward.

Darcy finds evidence that Monica’s DNA has been altered on a molecular level *COUGH* after crossing the Hex barrier twice. Spectrum.
Despite this, Monica expresses her desire to go into the Hex once more.

She and Jimmy Woo leave Darcy behind to gather more info on Hayward whilst they go and meet her “guy” the aforementioned “aerophysicist” from episode 5. Two mentions in a row? Interesting.

Part 2 BELOW 👇🏾 https://twitter.com/thebioodycrown/status/1362578362678579200
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