Hi, I’m live tweeting the Drake Student Senate meeting because some alumni asked me to and also I live for drama.
We’re into the questions section on the thesis of the bill. So far the rationale on the bill is just 130 student orgs > 6 student orgs.
SJMC Senator is up to ask questions. So far has asked about the reasoning behind cutting student salaries, the comparison to SAB’s budget, and why he wasn’t consulted on this bill that would impact the BSC.
Another Senator asks why the organizations that would be impacted were not consulted on this issue, which, yeah! Fair!
Also, some more color commentary: if the rationale behind cutting funding for the BSC is that 130 orgs > 6 orgs, isn’t the real problem that the BSC exists? Shouldn’t these people be proposing that it’s abolished so those orgs go through the at large budgeting process?
The treasurer is saying the BSC Budget is only reviewed every 5 years which is.... just factually false? We reviewed the budget every year?
Hahahah someone basically asked why they didn’t have a private session before this and the answer is they were worried some exec couldn’t come.
A great question! Why $7 and did you look at other places to cut funding instead of the BSC? The answer: $7 because we felt like the BSC could still live with that and we’re always looking for different ways to save money. Which is a big non-answer.
Someone asked why cut BSC funds when they won’t cut Senate Exec salaries and the answer was basically “we spend 15 hours a week on senate so...”
The next question was basically how dare you? And honestly, yeah!
Sorry my mom called me so I’m missing a few questions haha
Update courtesy of @TomScearce!
Next question: why does the proposal say that students who work less than 5 hours a week should not be compensated? A: it’s up to the BSC, that’s just what we decided
Keep in mind: that would cut funds for anyone who writes one TD article in a week.
Next question: why have we been saying the BSC hasn’t faced budget cuts when admissions have declined and their budget is tied to the student activities fee? Also why is the Relays concert more important than student publications?
A: we’re not focused on SAB, we’re not saying that the Relays concert is more important. (Except you are but ok)
Next Q: why do BSC members get a salary when other RSOs don’t?
A: we don’t know.
Next Q: how long have we been running a deficit to fund student organizations?
A: a long time. The pandemic decrease in enrollment exacerbated things.
Honestly my Senate days are foggy, but I know there were discussions of why we used the deficit to fund RSOs. I’m sure the pandemic has made things worse, but that wasn’t egregious when I was on Senate.
Next Q: have you met with admissions to determine estimated funding for next year?
A: we expect it to increase but not get back to normal.
We’re into the weeds on some budget questions that don’t feel super relevant to the bill at hand. Stay tuned, the SJMC Senator is up next again, get excited.
OH NO HE FROZE, okay we’ll get back to him shortly
We’re back to budget questions about the reserve. My memory is being jogged, and I think when I was on senate the reserve was actually capped out and we had to spend money out of it? Maybe? I’m not totally certain.
Next question: are we considering funds that benefit the BSC and students at large equal to funds for events that will have less impact than what they’re currently doing?
A: that’s comparing apples to oranges
which... is just not true?
First Q: did any faculty and staff help shape this proposal?
A: no
Q: did y’all think about printing costs?
A: that’s a BSC decision
Which like...... those costs are fixed! They can’t really reallocate them!
More in the weeds budget questions that I’m not totally seeing the relevance of. Here’s a pic of my cat.
Q: what will be the actual difference in funding per organization if this bill is passed?
A: that’s hard to compare between RSOs. (Which.... yeah, that’s fair, that would be tough to answer.)
Q: are orgs actually getting less money or are they pitching more ambitious budgets?
A: I don’t know, I’m not the president of an organization.
But like... as the treasurer, you should know???
Q: instead of eliminating funding for students who work less than 5 hours a week, why don’t we pay all RSO execs?
A: the majority of institutions that do that are state schools with bigger activities fees and more funding. If we did that there wouldn’t be funding for orgs.
Q: how is senate exec going to ensure transparency? The reaction we’ve gotten shows the student body doesn’t trust us.
A: our meetings are open, SFAC is open, budgeting is open, so we should make sure people know
Q: you mention that senate exec does valuable work which is why y’all need to be paid so much. Isn’t that true for BSC?
A: we’re not going after salaries, they can choose how to reallocate their funds.
Y’all I am heated, let me take a break while I text a senator.
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