Hey Namjoon. I know you know the meaning of succulent to refer to your plant chingus, but me, being an ESL teacher would love to introduce you to other meanings of this word. #multiplemeaningwords
Succulent as an adjective can also describe something that is juicy, delectable and tasty often, but not always, referring to a piece of food. As in “Wow, this pear is so succulent that the juice runs down my hand as I eat it.”
Some common synonyms for succulent in adjective form can be luscious, yummy, and mouthwatering.
A succulent piece of steak, a succulent raspberry, a succulent thigh.
As a teacher, I like to include a lot of visuals.
In addition, another lesser known definition is full of interest or rich in desirable qualities, not dull. As in “what a delectable young man he is!”
So now, since I am a teacher after all, I need check for understanding, please comment using the word succulent as an adjective. Pictures would be helpful. :D
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