At 7pm, my political club ( @FourFreedomsNYC) is hosting our mayoral endorsement meeting. I'll try to livetweet the highlights. Won't you join me? 👇 #nyc2021
We are hearing from 10 (I think?) candidate, who will each have 10 minutes to speak and take questions. No stigma for leaving early from this forum!
Up first, @scottmstringer! The Comptroller is the only mayoral candidate to receive a FFDC endorsement in the past (for his 2017 reelection bid).
@scottmstringer: "We need a mayor with vision and skills to bring us back." Touts advocacy for community-based planning as BP and pension consolidation as Comptroller, says he'll focus on health and income disparities across the city.
Q ( @bd_wetz): What will you do to increase production of new affordable housing?
SS: (1) Cmty-based orgs should develop vacant land, redirect 421a towards low-income housing; (2) developers of new bldgs have to do 25% affordable set-aside, upzone in conjunction with cmtys
Q ( @JustineKirby): Is there an opportunity for City Hall to coordinate with big business in addressing our crises?
A: Everybody who wants to help rebuild should have oppy to do so. But Mayor should focus more on Main St than Wall St. Priority is small business infrastructure.
Next up, @RayForMayor! 106 participants on Zoom!
@RayForMayor: "I'll take my lived experience, what I've done in business, to work for the City."
Q: Are there city services you'd cut to make up revenue gap?
A: "We can't cut or tax our way out of this, we have to grow our way out of this."
Q ( @EricaForNY): How will you ensure city staff are treated well?
A: "Everybody needs to be treated with dignity." Talks about how he's tried to adhere to that in his business career.
Q: What's your strategy for tackling education budget shortfall?
A: "Education is core to who I am." We need to be more efficient, make sure every child can read by the end of the third grade. Touts his "Cradle to Career" plan.
Q: How would you hold police accountable? Would you consider redirecting funds from NYPD to mental health orgs?
A: "We need better policing, I don't like the language of 'defund'." We need to change the police culture and support mental health orgs to respond where nec.
Q ( @JayHershenson): What's your plan to prepare for influx of students to 2-year CUNY colleges?
A: "I will invest in CUNY."
Third up is @ShaunDonovanNYC! Leads by talking about he was born in #AD76 (always have a local angle!). "I have an understanding of govt at all 3 levels—local, state, and federal—that will allow our city to work for everybody."
Q: How would your admin work with trade unions?
A: As HPD director, struck prevailing wage deal with 32BJ. As HUD Sec'y, focused on prevailing wage. At OMB, worked with unions to get card check and organizing.
(Disclosure: I've donated a small amount to @ShaunDonovanNYC)
Q: Top priorities for schools?
A: 1) build bridge between CUNY and job market, 2) racial disparities in schooling, 3) make sure we're adequately funding schools, talks about how he'll use his DC expce and connections to get more funding for NYC schools
Q ( @EricaForNY): What will you do to ensure city staff are treated with dignity?
A: Record of pub svce = record of accomplishment & respect. Hire right people, build culture of respect. Create diverse teams (like his campaign), hold ppl acctble for results & respect.
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