1/ #Chainlink, a thread

#Blockchain allows us to do amazing things, the easiest value add to understand is smart contracts.

In my CS class back in 2013 my professor taught us about #Bitcoin and I literally went “that sounds stupid”.
2/ Why does it have value? I also never thought gold made any sense either. Now my point of view has changed on Bitcoin and I think it has its place as a store of value.

However, I thought blockchain didn’t do much aside from a digital gold.
3/ I didn’t understand why people were so hyped.

Fast forward to a couple years working at a hedge fund. I get to see aaalllllll the shit of the current financial world. I got to do something called “trade matching” as part of my jobs.
4/ This is where I MANUALLY made sure the all the brokers weren’t screwing us with their trades.

Are you kidding me? A human being counting numbers? I might as well be drawing Buffalo on the wall with spit and charcoal.

This is what computers are meant to do.
5/ Not only that, but I get to see how unfair the stock market is to not just retail investors,but to hedge funds too!

The book flash boys is all about newer hedge funds screwing over older hedge funds, and the older hedge funds got pissed!
6/ so I’m like “well this sucks” but whatever. High frequency traders gonna f*** us for life too bad.

And I’ve always had trust issues with projects. Trusting someone you’ve never met to do the right thing is hard. When they break that trust, it’s a paaiiiiinnn in the ass
7/ so this is why smart contracts are SO easy to understand as a value add.
They are agreements that solve the issue of trust. You can operate on your own terms. If you like privacy, and you cherish your financial independence, smart contracts and blockchain give you this.
8/ So amazing! So platforms like #Ethereum have solved this issue, and smart contract platforms make the world better, right?

Well no, the story doesn’t end there. Not even close.
9/ Smart Contracts are walled gardens and operate in their walled gardens. Imagine if I told you that you could be a millionaire in a video game and because of that you had to buy this $20,000 game.

You’d probably tell me to eat farts.
10/ This is why Chainlink is so important, it brings these smart contracts out of the walled garden and into the real world.
11/ A friend of mine from the hedge fund world asked me “so... I can do anything with this stuff other than sell it?”

And I was like “you my friend, have arrived at the same conclusion I did”
12/ Chainlink allows interoperability between the real world and blockchains. It allows smart contracts to reach their full potential of superior digital agreements. Data has quickly become one of the most valuable resources on the planet, and Chainlink delivers it on a silver -
13/ platter. Data is what makes hedge funds work. Shit data is how you get pwned. Quant Researchers spent about 60% of their time just cleaning data. Imagine how much better a decentralized collective would be for seeking alpha. For creating contracts that help us.
14/ For making projects that actually affect someone who knows nothing about cryptocurrencies. Creating fair marketplaces like @synthetix_io and @AaveAave where they won’t get screwed over.

Or insurance, or fair gaming, or <insert whatever you can think of>
15/ I’ve worked with data pretty since I got into the tech industry, and Chainlink brings data to an ecosystem dying for it. It drives me crazy to see projects get oracle attacked. I think “oh my god. This is my fault. I didn’t help them understand how important good data is”.
16/ I failed someone not knowing to use decentralized data with Chainlink.

Chainlink unlocks the future of smart contracts in a world where smart contract platforms need to service the everyday human.
17/ I love Chainlink because of what it brings to the world. What we can do with it. Writing external adapters to interface with random projects and get my smart contracts to DO stuff in the real world, is an insane an exhilarating experience.
18/ I went all over the place here, but the community gets it. Chainlink takes your decentralized logic layer, combines it with a decentralized data layer or decentralized computation layer from ANYWHERE and gives your smart contract unlimited customizable functionality.
19/ I also just learnt how to use tweet threads
You can follow @PatrickAlphaC.
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