alrighty here we go.

the blatant (and not so blatant) ableism against dream from this community: a thread
as we all know, dream has adhd and exhibits a significant amount qualities that are due to his disability. this thread will point out a lot of the ableist shit that continues to be said throughout this community. fair warning: this will contain mentions and examples of ableism
the way he speaks: dream tends to speak very quickly and trips and stutters over his words quite often. i cant even count how many times ive seen people say he needs to “slow down” or that its “annoying” how fast he speaks. adhd brains tend to move faster than the neurotypical +
brain. this creates an issue where a person with adhds words are spilling out of their mouth way too fast for their body to keep up with, resulting in stuttering. someone with adhd CANT “slow down” and finding it annoying is weird.
his reactions to controversy: dream tends to react mainly on impulse and very emotionally. ive seen people say that he “overreacts” or that he “needs to chill out” rejection sensitivity dysphoria (rsd) creates this feeling of needing to defend yourself when you are accused of +
doing something wrong (whether or not you did it) dream exhibits this trait very clearly and this is the main thing i see him get criticized for. usually his emotional outbursts of anger or “pettiness” are things he regrets immediately after and this is absolutely bc of his adhd+
his impulsive need to defend himself isn’t wrong or overreacting because it is simply a normal, human reaction that a lot of nd people have when being (rudely) criticized.
his listening habits (music): dream plays songs on repeat for hours on end and sometimes even days or weeks (most memorable holiday by lilnasx) under the dreamsspotify account when this happens, i see an influx of people complaining about how annoying it is. +
the reason he does this is because of hyperfixations. i don’t really feel i need to explain this one buddy hyperfixations are never to be made fun of👍
continuing on hyperfixations, making fun of his interests: dream likes football. now this is not assuming he has a hyperfixation, i cannot determine that. however, as a person with adhd it is very safe to assume that he does have or has had a hypfixation on football. +
he expresses his interests in football but it always rubs me the wrong way when yall say mean shit about the fact that he likes football. again, i dont think i need to explain this one. dont make fun of (possible) hyperfixations
i think that’s about it??? there’s definitely more that i could touch on but i cant think of anything else at the moment. ill add onto this thread if i need to, if u guys have anything else to add put it under here :) please stop being ableist.
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