Me - The Bible isn’t the word of God.

Christians - The Bible is true.

Me - literature being true ≠ literature being the word of God.

Me - Churches please stop abusing people.

Christians - You’ll never find a perfect church.

Me - Churches not abusing ≠ churches being perfect.

Me - Christianity has been used to harm too many people.

Christians - So has Islam!

Me - Christianity being used to abuse ≠ Christianity is the only thing used to abuse.

Me - This is really harmful theology.

Christians - You need to heal.

Me - Pointing out harmful theology ≠ people haven’t healed.

Me - These pastors have abused or covered up abuse.

Christians - you are hurting the kingdom of God.

Me - demanding accountability for abusive leaders is the exact opposite of hurting the kingdom of God.

Me - What you just said is really harmful.

Christians - Stop persecuting us.

Me - Telling you that something is harmful ≠ persecuting you.

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