I may be oversensitive here, and I *swear* this is not a subtweet, nor do I think the most recent post I saw was intentionally mean-spirited, but I *hate* the "Orestes pursued by furries" meme. It always brings to mind the rhetoric of predatory deviancy that often accompanies...
...non-furry perceptions and representations of furries. That public image was a big part of my being a closeted furry for 20+ years. I hate the othering and implicit shame it carries. I hate the anxiety it provokes in me. And I hate the idea that people like me are regularly...
...trotted out in Greek tragedy courses as a throwaway joke for an audience of non-furries who have no concept of furriness as a meaningful identity (or worse, a class with a furry in it seeing people laugh at them or depicting them as weirdos). Maybe it's just me, but I don't...
...find it funny and I don't want to see it again or know you're putting it in a PowerPoint. Please stop treating furries like a curiosity cabinet or freak safari. And while we're at it, cut it with the damn bestiality jokes. Pasiphae screwing a bull doesn't make her a furry.
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