$KZIA $KZA I have vetted this opportunity as thoroughly as possible over the last year, and have come to the unequivocal conclusion that this is the best biotech Risk/Reward opportunity available. I've compiled some DD for those interested below...
$KZIA $KZA Recent interview with CEO:
$KZIA $KZA Most recent analyst coverage. IMO a pessimistic view which is ultra-conservative however nicely outlines certain aspects. I believe the upside is much higher than they project and will continually be adjusted upwards as data progresses.

$KZIA $KZA Consistent Insider buying on open market and in Direct Offerings. Company is cashed up through to 2022 & holds a PRV potentially worth 100s of millions. There is a strong likelihood of the Co not having to dilute going forward.
$KZIA $KZA Tiny float which has increasing institutional Ownership in Australia (ASX).
$KZIA $KZA Very strong chart – stair stepping upwards and nearing its next bounce off 80EMA
$KZIA $KZA Currently progression though GBM Agile for Glioblastoma and has a strong likelihood of becoming the new SOC with multi-billion yearly revenue potential.
$KZIA $KZA Packed Pipeline. Multiple shots on goal with “Blue Sky” potential – showing promise in cancers outside of the brain (brain Mets & DIPG).
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