"It is exercise alone that supports the spirits, and keeps the mind in vigour." - Cicero

Fitness has always been important for us throughout history,

Here are 5 ways that history can inspire the future of your fitness.

Pheidippides ran 25 miles from Marathon to Athens in time to warn the city of a Persian invasion.

You never know when you will need to show endurance.
Plato is known as one of the great philosophers but he was also a competitive wrestler,

You must train your mind as well as your body.
14th Century Knights were known for their innovative training regimes which allowed them to stay fit wherever they were.

Their workout regimes included wall climbing, somersaulting in armour and they even invented the pommel horse.
The Egyptians lifted sacks, Indian cultures lifted clubs and the Greeks used ancient versions of dumbbells.

Throughout history people have lifted.
Louis Cyr who is considered by some to be the strongest man in history liked to mix things up with his training.

He used farm animals as dumbbells and proved his strength by deadlifting a horse and pushing a train car up a hill.
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