The Chinese Communist Party has lied, stolen, and killed its way to the top. America needs a plan to beat this new Evil Empire. Here are a few of my recommendations.
The U.S. should institute outbound investment reviews for deals in China. Americans shouldn’t be funding China’s tech and military rise.
Our most sensitive technology should be barred for export to anyone in China, not just specific Chinese companies.
The United States must end its 10-year multi-entry visa program for Chinese nationals, which allows Chinese spies and IP thieves to enter and leave the country at will.
The Chinese Communists are subjecting the people of Xinjiang to horrors beyond our imagination. The CCP is no business partner—it’s a threat to the world. We need to stop it.
The United States must begin a determined sanctions campaign against Chinese companies that steal American intellectual property, and even those that benefit from stolen IP.
We should terminate China’s Permanent Normal Trade Relations status and return to the old system, where the president and Congress reviewed China’s trade privileges each year in light of its progress on human rights.
The U.S. government ought to review all inbound investment from China into strategic industries or from Chinese companies with ties to the CCP or PLA. These reviews ought to begin from a presumption of denial.
In order to win the tech race with China, we must return federal research and development spending to Cold War levels and pair this surge in R&D funds with strict controls to ensure U.S. research does not flow back to China.
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