I paid off my student loans over 10 years.

So, I'm sympathetic to the crowd that doesn't want to have to do it. That wasn't easy for me, but I did it. My wife and I did it as a team, in fact, because as I've said she's a master of money management and we own a business together.
But more importantly, I don't believe that the goal of being alive is to sort out a life of the least amount of burden imaginable. Otherwise you'll end up in what my friend Derek & I call a "douchleberry."

A mechanical bubble that fed, cleaned, and entertained you. 100% passive.
Imagine the container that Neo emerges from in the Matrix, except you actually went in there voluntarily and never forgot where you were. That's what the inevitable goal of "big tech" is, whether they admit it or not or agree with that assessment or not. Think about it long-term.
The idea that everything should be convenient, with "no friction" (that's the term they use) between you and what you want.

At the end of it you're sh*tting in a cage with a screen showing you whatever your id demands with food shoved in your face by way of mere neural impulses.
SO in conclusion, f*ck you if you want us to foot the bill for your student loans now. How about you demand the government let you get back to work instead of taking more from unemployment. Get your sh*t together, pick up something heavy, and move on with your life already ffs...
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