Let’s talk about animated shows and production for a minute.

Did you know that animation is just /one/ part of the entire pipeline and that there are so many other parts that come before and after? I love my anim +pre/pro friends, but let’s talk about the teams that follow anim. https://twitter.com/kerryshawcross/status/1362150307380092929
Did you know the show still typically needs to get edited for timing, lighting, FX, & crowds (respectively) passes, comp’d, SFX+Mix, QC and more? There are also people who have to upload the video/add metadata/etc. And that there are tons of people involved in this whole process.
So now that you have that perspective, realize that the vast majority of the people who still need to get the show out the door for you to enjoy, have been without power for upwards of 80 hours, worried for their own well being and the well being of others.
Some without water or gas, others without food and stuck w/ roads unfit to drive on.

So before you suggest that anyone is being lazy because “it’s just a bit of snow”, learn what it means to empathize/sympathize with others and stop being so entitled.
Our health, mental and physical, is ultimately the top priority. People need to understand that. I’ve been keeping optimistic and positive all week that we would get through this but it was still scary as hell. And I’m glad to finally let out a sigh of relief.
While we’re here, leave the creative heads alone. They don’t make these types of decisions by themselves (sometimes not at all) & don’t deserve to be lambasted by you & your shitty hot takes because you don’t like them/the work they’ve done. They’re just people, doing their best.
(Seriously. Stop that shit.)
I shouldn’t feel like I need to, but I feel like I /have to/ say that no one is making these decisions because we want to. It’s because we have to & everyone is doing their absolute best in every way possible. We want you to enjoy this thing we pour our love into every workday.
So with that, I ask you to take a moment to reflect before you criticize creators (of all varieties) for not prioritizing your entertainment over their well being. Just stop and reconsider what you’re about to say before you say it. And if you can’t:
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