I have previously tweeted papers on the coming affordability crises for municipal water & energy. What we're seeing in Texas is only the tip of the iceberg. We're facing more widespread immiseration as potable water & gas/electric become more costly as infrastructure ages.
We're seeing this problem arise in rustbelt cities, that are losing population [& thus a) their tax base and b) a population to spread the costs of infrastructure maintenance across]. And this is layered atop the effects of legacy pollution from now-gone or dwindled industries.
So, communities of color may end up paying MORE for water that is contaminated #EnvironmentalJustice https://twitter.com/Arrianna_Planey/status/1362501092253315072?s=20
🙃🙃🙃 https://twitter.com/scrivenix/status/1362501300659789825?s=20
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