I deleted the thirst photo but I wanted to make sure that we talk about why. It was pointed out that there are extremely harmful contexts behind the word Trap. And I just want to show everyone what it means to be a part of a community that cares. It costs me nothing to lose 1/2
a phrase or word usage that causes harm. It doesn't matter how much harm, any amount is too much. Here is where we show & not just say that we are willing to listen & change to make this a more welcoming place for everyone. For my part, I deeply apologize for any harm done 2/2
Addendum: May I point out as well that this is yet another demonstrable instance of cis/het white male privilege. This is a context of harm that I had never thought of because it is something that I do not have to deal with in my every day life. It is a harm and trauma that I do~
~not have to live with. But the fact that it is not a harm that I have to feel does not invalidate the feelings of anyone that feels that harm and lives with that trauma.

And again, it costs me zero effort to not do the harmful thing.
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