Do you know why some women say “sorry I have a boyfriend” even when they don’t? Too many men can’t accept “no I’m not interested”. When their ego is bruised they can get aggressive. Women say they have a bf so these men rationalize the rejection without taking it too personally.
How some men think:

“Sorry, I have a boyfriend” = okay she doesn’t want me because she has a man already

“No thanks, I’m not interested” = she is suggesting I’m not good enough for her *queue aggressive response*
The thing is, even when women say they have a boyfriend, the majority of men don’t respect that reply, and will continue to push their luck. But in the back of a woman’s mind, she knows this... She just doesn’t want to be verbally abused or even physically assaulted.
It’s so sad that as women, we feel the need to do this. Our “no” should be enough. Our “I’m not interested” should be enough. We shouldn’t have to tailor our responses to accommodate the sensitivities of some men... But we do, to protect ourselves.
Ladies has a man ever verbally abused you, followed you, or physically assaulted you for rejecting his advances?
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