Ted Cruz is a United States Senator. Here are various things he could have done besides fly to Cancun:
1. Work closely with FEMA to coordinate relief
2. Work closely with counties & municipalities to coordinate relief
3. Communicate his constituents' needs to federal agencies...
4. Use the power of his office to ensure that ERCOT officials are doing everything they can to bring power online.
5. Encourage donations and other supports for his constituents.
6. Assess the needs of vulnerable populations & ensure that support gets to them first.
7. Call for an investigation as to how this happened and ways to prevent it from happening again.
8. Help coordinate food, medicine, and heat relief.
Republicans seem to think that one of the most powerful offices in the land - that of United States Senator - is powerless. We're here to say that they only think that way because they have no faith in American democracy.
There's lots Ted Cruz could have done and could be doing to help the people of Texas. He chose not to. That's on him, not the office.
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