On army twt, we dont talk enough about diversifying our tl's.

And by that I mean, making sure you have fandoms, hobbies, and communities BESIDES army twt on your tl.

When you have a more diverse tl you really start to see what are specifically army problems vs universal issues.
Like, I've seen so many issues going around in discussion on army twt that people frame as solely an army problem, when I had just seen someone in the art or book community that I follow discussing the same issue about their seperate comminity.
One convo outside of army twt I saw was a Youtuber saying that "you having an idea of what you THINK I am like (or should be like), does not give you permission to be offended or angry when you discover I dont fit that mold."

Sound familiar?
Not to mention the obvious mantis that exist in other artist fandoms. One we're famously aware of is the 1*D fandom with the screenshot of the ARTIST telling the manti they're wrong and the manti not caring.
If you've ever spent time in certain videogame or large media franchise communities


you'll recognize some of the worst toxic behavior that somtimes happens in our community as well.
Even the recent cr¥pto scams aren't specific to us. It's an ongoing problem with a lot of Youtube communities, in their Youtube comments or Twitter fandom.
My point is to not diminish these issues. They're major issues that need to be openly discussed.

But I also think it's important to understand which issues are specific to army twt. (Like fansites, or specifically how more universal problems end up being shaped in army twt)
My main point is that sometimes these problems get framed as specifically an army fandom problem alone, and for people who might to brand new to a fandom or community like this, it can feel overwhelming and skew their experience if all problems get framed like it's all army fault
If we can recognize when there are universal fandom problems versus what is a uniquely army problem, I think it could help when people are overwhelmed by how negative things can become here.
That said, ALL problems (uniquely army or universal) should be discussed in how they happen in army space, but keeping a perspective on which ones are a universal human issue vs a specifically created army situation, is important as well and one we should discuss more.
And one of the first steps to being able to recognize the difference between the two is by diversifying your tl so you can see how other fandoms and communities move and what problems exist across all fandoms.
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