"We have no way of knowing if the speaker is a young [sexy] man in spandex in San Francisco or a longtime berkeley resident" --Becky O'Malley, opining on zoom meetings without video

Thats right, its time for #berkmtg
Taking a quick break to expand the zoom meeting capacity. Seems the city has two separate zoom accounts and for this one they used the one with a 100 person cap. Whoopsie #berkmtg
Zoom is awful for public activities and we need a replacement yesterday, part 7175021
Staff points out that legally this is the same thing as a public meeting with a fire marshall imposed room capacity, so we can proceed with plexplexplexplexization
Back to public comment on non-agenda items. #berkmtg
🚨TLordt warning 🚨
Nothing of substance was said. Next speaker asks that TOPA get modified so owners can pursue outside bids before approaching tenants. Seems bad!
Next speaker says they're filing an open government complaint about the inability for people to speak at the meeting that the speaker is currently speaking at. #berkmtg
Next speaker is in support of TOPA, asks if there's a live broadcast anywhere for those unable to make the zoom. Staff says no, but the video will be up later. #berkmtg
Next speaker also in support of TOPA as an approach to take housing "out of the market" and instead replace it with soliciting bids on the market. #berkmtg
Uncool Matthew Lewis comments next, also says locking people out of the meeting is undemocratic, somehow makes the claim that only the wealthy are able to get in such things because of ~reasons~ #berkmtg
Next speaker wants fourplexes to be 100% affordable, sees no reason why council can't ask for the literal moon. #berkmtg
Next speaker says the fourplex leg was written by lobbyists, demands that council publicize the names of the lobbyists who wrote it. Also meetings should be in the evening or else its antidemocratic. #berkmtg
Next speaker is Igor Tregub, says he'll share a link about some prospectus on TOPA, says "the nation is watching". #berkmtg
Next speaker says racism and classism are segregating neighborhoods, but changing racist zoning is bad, actually. #berkmtg
I gave my comment, called out the NIMBY filibuster. Wrapping up and moving on to the agenda soon. #berkmtg
Now starting the presentation on Quadplexes! I might try and stream this since there's no stream anywhere yet. #berkmtg
Alright, my stream is up. Droste is explaining the intent of the quadplexization legislation. #berkmtg
"This is going to just be a drop in the bucket, but we need to make sure every party of the city is pitching in to help us meet our RHNA numbers." #berkmtg
Gentle density. Take a shot. #berkmtg
CM Robinson asks Droste to talk about demolition controls and rent controlled housing in the ordinance. #berkmtg
Droste points out that SB330 already bans the demolition of rent controlled units, and that Berkeley's ordinance goes even further than SB330. #berkmtg
Rigel asks about affordability, Droste says we looked at how Portland did it with their IZ. "We want maximum flexibility, its still early, but we're interested in zoning concessions for additional affordability". Sounds like a local density bonus. #berkmtg
Droste and Rigel point out that we've got a housing element update coming up and we need every tool in the toolbox to hit RHNA with it. #berkmtg
CM Hahn takes the mic. Brings up the importance of fourplexes matching the "neighborhood character" of single family neighborhoods, reiterates her support for the idea. #berkmtg
"I am past the question of if missing middle is good (it is)" says people are still struggling with the concepts nonetheless. #berkmtg
Public comment time! #berkmtg
Continuing his anti-democratic streak, Rigel limits public comment to one minute per person. #berkmtg
First commenter is a vacancy truther. Says there's thousands of units so they don't understand the urgency. Wants two points added to the leg: something to prevent speculation by prohibiting a sale for 10 years. #berkmtg
Next speaker says we can't move forward because this zoom thing is a microcosm of a bigger issue, says its strange for fourplexes to be at council immediately after an election, it should be sent to the ballot instead. #berkmtg
He's also worried that this will destroy diversity by forcing the entire city to look the same, unlike what single family zoning already does *today* on most of Berkeley. #berkmtg
Next commenter says there's no guarantee housing will get built with this, also there's no limits on speculation, wants rent control applied to fourplexes despite that being outlawed statewide. #berkmtg
"Why does there need to be a displacement risk analysis? I thought the whole reason for this was to develop low income housing" w h a t #berkmtg
Next speaker sounds like they're swallowing their mic inbetween words, so I can't understand them. #berkmtg
"The speaker's time has elapsed, thank you so much." #based @RigelRobinson #berkmtg
Next speaker says this puts the power of housing 100% into the hands of developers, says allowing quadplexes *anywhere* will invite speculation and also unlimited bedrooms. #berkmtg
Next speaker says the ordinance is bad because nobody knows what "ministerial" "FAR" or "density" means. #berkmtg
Next speaker is an EBFEr. Asks if the callers know that what developers produce is housing for people who need homes. "We know that SFH zoning is a tool of discrimination. If you're supporting the status quo that is what you're supporting." #berkmtg
CM Robinson: "Matthew lewis is up next, which one will it be?"
@mateosfo: "Hi"
CM Robinson: "Ah, that one"
Next is Igor, speaking directly to the EBFEr. Says some platitudes about redlining and tenant protections, gets cut off for time. #berkmtg
Next speaker points out that converting a SFH to a fourplex can allow those units to be placed under rent control, despite the opposition's claims. #berkmtg
🚨TLordt Warning🚨
Calls Droste out of touch for suggesting we spend city resources on addressing our housing crisis while there's a housing crisis going on. Says claims that SFH zoning is racist is absurd. #berkmtg
Next speaker says this is bad, suggests there's developers going around demolishing SFHs occupied by black families *right now* #berkmtg
Next speaker is arch-nimby Becky OMalley, says she's been here for 8175 years, spent most of her life trying to achieve racial equity, is offended that a "twerp" like Droste leaves her unable to speak to the substance, rambles further off topic. #berkmtg
"Loni Hancock was no racist" oh boy #berkmtg
Next speaker says "California YIMBY Lobbyist Darrel Owens wrote this", fails to elaborate on why thats bad #berkmtg
Says redlining was a problem with banks, not zoning, proves he has no idea what he's talking about. #berkmtg
Next speaker gets angry, says fourplexization is a direct result of the 2008 crisis, calls it deregulation under the lie of caring about our community, says wealth is being extracted, neglects to mention that REITs already do that right now. #berkmtg
While this next EBFEr speaks in favor, lemme remind you that you can also tune in on the stream here:
Next speaker claims by-right approvals means there's no possible way to check that buildings have setbacks.

Fact check: false, that's part of your plan check at submission. #berkmtg
Next speaker is from a north berkeley neighborhood. Says her part of town wasn't considered exclusive, people moved here when they didn't have money, points out many new neighbors came from SF, is upset that its offensive to suggest NB is exclusionary. #berkmtg
Next up is @IDoTheThinking. "This zoning is already legal in the blackest parts of berkeley. Its suspicious when we suggest legalizing it elsewhere that people are talking about gentrification." #berkmtg
"Single family zoning was written by a developer from the jim crow era." #berkmtg
Next speaker, "In theory allowing fourplexes makes sense, but ministerial approval leads to mischief" according to person who is probably responsible for that same mischief arising in a discretionary system. #berkmtg
Next speaker calls out the people opposing this while also saying "we need to get serious". "If denying the first step in tearing down the mechanisms of racism, where else do we start?"
Next up is Kelly Hammergreen. Says we need bird safe glass, is disappointed this isn't the biggest priority right now. #berkmtg
Also suggests that ministerial approval means nobody can review a project to make sure it complies with code, demonstrating an absolute lack of oxygen in her head. #berkmtg
Next speaker says "this modest policy allows four families on one plot of land while preserving the consistency of our built environment" #berkmtg
Next speaker says she doesn't believe that Droste is taking affordability seriously because they personally haven't reviewed the ordinance, starts listing random prices in the area as proof this is flawed. #berkmtg
Also wants more review and input from neighbors on every fucking project, because of course. #berkmtg
Rigel takes a moment to say you can also email your comments to [email protected] and they'll get read out at the end of the meeting. #berkmtg
Next speaker says they work on clean energy laws. Supports quadplexes "in concept", is a north berkeley homeowner, is concerned about ministerial approval, doesn't know why its so critical to include it. #berkmtg
Next speaker is from the Grey Panthers who recently voted to oppose this ordinance because it doesn't include "real" affordable housing. They're demanding one unit in every fourplex be affordable housing. #berkmtg
Next speaker is "concerned" about ministerial approval. "It feels avoiding accountability to residents and neighborhoods" #berkmtg
Next speaker also concerned about ministerial approval, but mostly "ugly big box condos we can't say anything about it". Another bleeding heart for affordability, I imagine. #berkmtg
Next speaker also talks about process, oversight, aesthetics, and oh yeah, affordability. That ones important too I guess. #berkmtg
Next speaker says this proposal is a sham, trying to get more people to become developers. Doesn't elaborate, name drops "section 8", trails off. #berkmtg
Next speaker says they just built an ADU in their backyard, thanks to recent state laws allowing ministerial approval. Now her kid can have a home, says if we had discretionary they'd still be tied up in permits. #berkmtg
Next speaker is disgraced former CM Davila, starts out with "Don't be mean", wraps up with offense at Rigel cutting her off for time like a regular person. #berkmtg
Next speaker used to live in Berkeley, supports the idea. #berkmtg
Next speaker says council's credibility on affordability is tarnished, immediately begins discussing design standards. Sure, bud. #berkmtg
While the next EBFEr speaks, lemme take a detour to say we need muni broadband *yesterday*. I haven't dropped a single packet on my new fibre connection for my rebroadcast stream.
Next speaker points out that low-cost options are already occupied by people with money because there's nothing available upmarket for them. #berkmtg
Next speaker says this plan is "poorly conceived" and a "developer giveaway", suggests if anyone thinks its unaffordable to move to Berkeley they're just not looking hard enough to find a place to live. #berkmtg
Next speaker is a Jeopardy Legend. Says its a fantastic proposal, wants to call out how Portland looked at fourplexes, did a study, and found it would lower the risk of displacement by 28% for low income renters. #berkmtg
Another speaker in support. #berkmtg
Next up is Uncool Matthew Lewis. "None of the authors reached out to the tenant's union"

Fact check: this is a lie, berkeley doesn't have a tenant's union. #berkmtg
He proceeds to say Droste "gaslit" people by correctly stating that SB330 bans demolition of rent controlled housing. #berkmtg
Next speaker: "I think all housing should be free. That last woman" (referring to Davila) "she was mean, she should be banished" omfg #berkmtg
Next speaker says this crisis is decades in the making, its goofy to think we can undo it overnight, this is just one step but a big step nonetheless. #berkmtg
Next speaker says they're young, won the startup lottery, and thats the only way you can afford a home in Berkeley today. Fourplexes help tear that down. #berkmtg
Next speaker says they lived in a rent controlled apartment that'd be illegal to build today. "Part of why I can live here is because at one point it was legal to build my home. I'm very much in support" #berkmtg
Final public commenter: "You're living in america, yes? Hello?" Seems like he's some rando from overseats who's found the meeting somehow. #berkmtg
Now moving on to the clerk reading out all the written comments. After that the meeting will adjourn, but I'll be staying on stream for some discussion afterwards: #berkmtg
Last two letters were in support, the one prior I missed. #berkmtg
Next letter: "Who profits? When you remove public comment, developers profit." w h a t #berkmtg
Next couple of letters also in support. Current one says that fourplexes are a developer giveaway, etc etc, won't let people already displaced return to the city, other falsehoods. #berkmtg
Final letter. "I'm a homeowner in west berkeley on a street compose of fiveplexes, fourplexes, and more." Says they're great, wants this passed. #berkmtg
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