Assuming all goes well today with Perseverance’s landing, we’ll get two “thumbnail” images within a few minutes of touchdown. These will be low-res images from hazcams on the front and rear of the rover. The dust caps will still be on, so expect some to obscure the view a bit.
Depending on if the terrain obscures Perseverance’s ability to send a signal to Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, don’t expect more beyond a full-res hazcam image from front and back to come down today, albeit with the dust covers off after any dust kicked up around has settled.
Tomorrow you’ll likely have the first proper full-res images, which will be taken of Perseverance’s wheels to check the terrain the rover is on and the orientation of rover, making sure everything is safe to deploy the camera and instrument mast.
Also tomorrow we’ll likely get a single still frame of the video from the camera on Perseverance that will be recording 30fps looking up from the deck of the rover at the descent stage as it lowers Perseverance to the surface during the SkyCrane maneuver.
This weekend, assuming all is good, the camera and instrument mast should be deployed, and we’ll start seeing the first absurdly high-res snaps come down, along with the beginning of dumping the descent engineering camera videos from all perspectives available.
Also this weekend, any audio recorded by the microphone specifically planned to be gathering sound during the entry-descent-landing process will be downlinked.
So that’s what to expect in terms of “What will we see/hear?” from today to the end of this upcoming weekend. Not a lot, but still a very exciting amount, but of course: entry-descent-landing has to work first, never forgot this is an incredibly challenging task.
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