If you hear someone say "learning loss", you have to stop listening to them. They may have great intentions. But they don't have the necessary sophisticated understanding of what learning is and how it happens, and their misunderstanding is going to lead to disastrous policies.
If we spend this summer and next year bombarding young people with ELA and math to pass test prep in "acceleration academies" and call this "equity" as a response to "learning loss", we are truly a deluded society that doesn't understand anything about learning and teaching.
And it's going to take one hell of an organized effort to combat what will no doubt be a bipartisan plan by conservatives and liberals in MA and across the country to do just that. And those efforts need to start now.
If you can't see the connection between a "No Child Left Behind" and "Race To The Top" mindset and a "learning loss" mindset, you're simply not trying or you're too deluded by the neoliberal ed reform of the past 20 years to see it.
This is obviously not to say there aren't grotesque issues of inequity in education that existed before the pandemic and were greatly exacerbated after it. But framing this in "learning loss" terms is going to do nothing to address inequity and will likely make it worse.
This is a racial capitalism problem that existed pre-COVID and will exist after COVID, not a COVID problem itself.
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