How many people are killed by police officers each year in the U.S.? The answer depends on the data you're using, so be sure to read up on each source's methodology.

According to @fatalencounters, more than 29,000 police-involved deaths occurred between 2000 and 2020 - an average of 1400 each year.

Over 6000 deaths were caused by vehicular collisions (~290 per year on average).
And keep in mind national trends disguise a lot of variation at smaller units of analysis. The Mountain division has had the highest per capita rate of non-vehicular police-involved deaths since 2016.
Vehicular deaths occur at a higher rate in the South Atlantic, and that's been the case every year since 2012, according to @fatalencounters.
And @PeterMoskos took a close look at city/county-level disparities last summer:
And remember: we still have no national data on police shootings that *don't* result in death. That's a huge setback if we want to understand the individual, situational, and ecological factors associated with police *use of* deadly force.
The raw data I used to make those figures are available here, c/o Mountain West News Bureau:

And if you use Stata, here's my code, if you're interested:
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