I’ve barely left the house since the pandemic began.

Ted Cruz has delayed stimulus checks, acquitted the insurrectionist, spoken not a single truth to the American people, and vacationed in Cancún.
Ted Cruz’s excuse was he wanted to be a good dad and his kids wanted a vacation.

Hundreds of thousands of kids in Texas want a home warmer than freezing and water safe to drink.
Ted Cruz at the Cancún airport. (WARNING: Video contains disturbing inhumanity)
Ted Cruz should’ve left his kids out of it—THEY’RE NOT EVEN TEENAGERS! Now he says he dropped them off in Cancún and is flying back. Are they alone in Mexico?
Never mind, his wife is down there. Also, the press has obtained proof he originally had a flight back on Sunday, not today.
Also, the CDC advises against all travel to Mexico due to #COVID19. The CDC also recommends quarantine and testing upon return. Ted Cruz makes exceptions for himself.
Is @tedcruz following requirements for re-entry to the U.S.?

All passengers, even citizens and vaccinated, traveling to the U.S. from Mexico are required to present a negative #COVID19 test w/in three days of the flight.
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