I will say that I never felt the type of anxiety that impeded my functioning or caused physical health issues....until #gradschool.

So much about grad school/academic culture needs to change. A 🧵 on my personal thoughts about this....
#AcademicTwitter @AcademicChatter #APAGS https://twitter.com/JSchleiderPhD/status/1362406084728782853
For starters, preaching "self-care" without offering mental health support/services is unacceptable.

Second, dismissing students' or faculty's concerns because they're "anxious" or "overly stressed" is further stigmatizing and harmful. I've seen this a lot in grad school.
Third, the idea that admitting psychopathology is "unprofessional" is ableist. e.g., "don't disclose that your mental illness drove you to study psychology during interviews..." We don't tell people who have experienced physical injuries not to disclose that that was their drive.
Fourth, we each have to model acknowledging and coping with mental health struggles. That's "safer" for some people to do than others, but we can each do our part to destigmatize mental illness. I struggle with this b/c of my culture and am making more of an effort to do better.
Finally, we have to stop treating people who disclose past/current struggles as fragile. That ALSO stigmatizes & punishes folks for sharing their lived experiences.

We're human. Let's stop pretending like being a #psychologist makes us impervious to the illnesses that we treat.
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