I have a suggestion, since I think I recognize your @ bc it’s not the first time you’ve talked about atz, is it genuinely THAT hard to just....... pretend ateez don’t exist, to not comment on them if you don’t like them, to not even think about them, like genuinely, is that hard https://twitter.com/binteiia/status/1362419890783739905
And I know people on here like to act like celebs or whatever, but no, the fact I even recognize @‘s bc it’s not the first time they’ve said something shady or negative is sad, it’s okay if you or anyone don’t like them, but genuinely, you can mute ateez, you can block atinys
Bc the original tweet is merely pointing out a tweet that may not have been meant as “hate” but I’m damn sure all of those 2.5k+ people who liked it were NOT atinys 😭 Why act dense, like, not even this person I’m quoting in particular, just everyone
It’s not wrong for someone to be upset about something that is indirectly causing their faves to be hated on? And if your own faves also receive hate, you shouldn’t want to see it done to others? that’s childish thinking.
“Why are y’all mad just bc we wants to vote our faves” it’s literally not even about that, it’s the implication that “anyone can win as long as it’s not ateez” when.... why does it matter, why just them, and would it have been posted if it was another group 🥴
K-pop is literally supposed to be for fun but y’all ruin it w this “eye for an eye” thing, “one time an atiny said something shady, so that gives me the right to hate ateez forever” and vice versa, like what’s the fucking point. 😭
And I know I’m out here writing a whole think piece and people will keep on being edgy and shady, and I’m just “being too deep” but w/e, it’s annoying as fuck to see the same people making snide remarks every time. Like, look away! block ateez! pretend atinys don’t exist!
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