My ideal Broadway plan may be controversial but involves stepping up the height to be the highest between arterials rather than on them. I want Main to be 4-6 stories, I want Manitoba to be 20 and then step back to 6-8 storey residential off-arterial.
I think the node of highest density can fall between two 400m walking radius rather than directly at the station point. That provides even more access and opportunity for residents.
Don’t get me wrong - what is presented is far too status quo. But I also don’t know if “put the towers on the stations” is my go to approach. I want high density nodes off-arterial but easily within station walk sheds.
Morning coffee thoughts while I mentally prepare the large number of comments I’m going to leave on that survey tonight.
Also don't read the public questions, "Does the Broadway subway still make sense?" Please stop. Please don't.
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