some Jones parents are, ahem, quite beside themselves over this letter
you know what's truly wild about all of this? the LSC reopening letters have no binding power. in fact, I have yet to see mention of the LSC letters in stories about the CPS/ @CTULocal1 agreement. so what's really going on here?
parents feel like they haven't been heard, which is a totally fair critique. we're working to create a reopening survey and I hope we can send it out to the school asap. but nowhere in the letter did we say that we "oppose any school reopening plan."
if you read the Jones letter (along with several other LSC letters) you'll see that we are actually trying to work *through* the problem, rather than ignore issues currently lurking within CPS' plan. we are pushing for a plan that results in as few sick people as possible.
so why have some chosen to demonize the people who are calling for increased safety measures? and why do I get the feeling that some families believe their ability to "choose" to return trumps another family's trepidations about school spread?
I don't know how useful it is to throw this twitter thread out into the void. I also know that most people are pretty disenchanted with governance, be it local, state, or federal.

but I do wish people would attempt to engage with members directly before bashing them online.
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