1. @ErinOToole is fixated on #China as a bad global actor.

That's fine.

However, on this issue, he keeps stupidly, demanding #PMTrudeau extend his neck for his (and Canada's) decapitation.

4. Now, you'd think #ErringErin would have learned from that incident that this is not how you proceed.

But nooooope!

The @CPC_HQ is #TheGroundhogDay party. It's pretty much the only recycling they believe in!

#CdnPoli #China #Olympics #UighurGenocide
6. Second, one to one, #China crushes us.

#PMTrudeau is 100% correct to say this type of action must be collective.

#CdnPoli #ErinOToole
8. If the goal is to free #TheTwoMichaels, going solo out on the limb, being directly belligerent and antagonizing, in really futile "make a big scene/get smacked 10 steps back" displays of chest puffing... isn't a winning foreign policy.

#CdnPoli #ErinOToole #PMTrudeau
9. There's no need to attack from the front while screaming when your opponent's skin is thinner than paper.

If there is to be a boycott of some kind of the Beijing Winter #Olympics, or (better yet) a push to relocate them, or a confirmation of genocide...

#CdnPoli #China
10. ... it will be part of a multi-country effort -- either announced together for big impact, like the recent Declaration, or in a day-after-day drip-drip to give the story legs -- that Canada will likely be leading.

#CdnPoli #ErinOToole #PMTrudeau
11. And that's "leading" as in as was the case for, once again, the Declaration and us being first to announce we'd be skipping the Tokyo 2020 Games due to health concerns).

#ErinOToole is revealing that his foreign policy chops are non-existent.

#NewLeaderPlease #ThankYouNext
12. Canadians deserve opposition parties who respect us enough to actually take the time to think their policy position through to their logical end, so that they can offer us real options.

This effort by #ErinOToole is just lazy showboating.

#NewLeaderPlease #ThankYouNext
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