Thread: 45+ Mask Studies

The medical literature for the past forty-five years has been consistent: masks are useless in preventing the spread of disease and, if anything, are unsanitary objects that themselves spread bacteria and viruses.
1. Peer reviewed study showing masks injure every bodily organ that research team studied:
3. Danish Study on Mask Wearing
7. Application of human albumin microspheres to the interior of surgical masks in 20 operations. At the end of each operation, wound washings were examined under the microscope. “Particle contamination of the wound was demonstrated in all experiments.”
10. A review by Skinner and Sutton in 2001 concluded that “The evidence for discontinuing the use of surgical face masks would appear to be stronger than the evidence available to support their continued use.”
11. Lahme et al., in 2001, wrote that “surgical face masks worn by patients during regional anaesthesia, did not reduce the concentration of airborne bacteria over the operation field in our study. Thus they are dispensable.”
12a. Webster et al., in 2010, reported on obstetric, gynecological, general, orthopaedic, breast and urological surgeries performed on 827 patients. All non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries, and none of the non-scrubbed staff wore masks in half the surgeries. ...
13a. Surgeons at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, recognizing the lack of evidence supporting the use of masks, ceased requiring them in 2010 for anesthesiologists and other non-scrubbed personnel in the operating room. “Our decision to no longer require routine surgical ...
13b. .... masks for personnel not scrubbed for surgery is a departure from common practice. But the evidence to support this practice does not exist,” wrote Dr. Eva Sellden.
15. Figueiredo et al., in 2001, reported that in five years of doing peritoneal dialysis without masks, rates of peritonitis in their unit were no different than rates in hospitals where masks were worn.
21. Comparison of Filtration Efficiency and Pressure Drop in Anti-Yellow Sand
Masks, Quarantine Masks, Medical Masks, General Masks, and Handkerchiefs
23. Comparison of Filtration Efficiency and Pressure Drop in Anti-Yellow Sand
Masks, Quarantine Masks, Medical Masks, General Masks, and Handkerchiefs
26. Comparison of filter efficacy of Medical Non-Woven Fabrics against Three Different Microbe Aerosols
28. Is a mask necessary in the operating theatre?
33a. Lipp and Edwards reviewed the surgical literature in 2014 and found “no statistically significant
difference in infection rates between the masked and unmasked group in any of the trials.” .....
33b. Vincent and Edwards updated this review in 2016 and the conclusion was the same.
34. Carøe, in a 2014 review based on four studies and 6,006 patients, wrote that “none of the four studies
found a difference in the number of post-operative infections whether you used a surgical mask
or not.”
35. Salassa and Swiontkowski, in 2014, investigated the necessity of scrubs, masks and head coverings in
the operating room and concluded that “there is no evidence that these measures reduce the
prevalence of surgical site infection.”
36. Da Zhou et al., reviewing the literature in 2015, concluded that “there is a lack of substantial
evidence to support claims that facemasks protect either patient or surgeon from infectious
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