7 Steps to Finding Your Entrepreneurial Mindset.

Many of us want to start a business or side hustle, but often we get stuck because we can’t decide which ideas to pursue.

These 7 steps will help you gain clarity.

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1. Find your interests

Interests make your journey enjoyable, and you wouldn’t give up when it gets tough.

Write down

- Your hobbies.
- Your DIY projects.
- What are you good at.

e.g., “I am good at writing”, “I like web design”
2. Identify your skills

Skills translate to value. You get paid for your skills. If you ever had a job means you have some skills.


- Your jobs/internships.
- What comes effortlessly to you.
- Tasks you’re the go-to person for.

e.g., “I’m a natural salesman.”
3. Determine your goals and ambitions

Your goals and ambitions motivate you to take massive action.

Write down

- Your values.
- Your motivations.
- Your 5-10 years plan.

e.g., “I want financial freedom”, “I want more free time”
4. Consider your ideal lifestyle

Your lifestyle choice works as a filter to prioritize one idea over another.

Think what you prefer.

- Fast-paced or laid-back.
- Work-life balance definition.
- Your ideal work environment.

e.g.,"I don't like sitting in cubicles all day"
5. Evaluate your monetary needs

Your financial needs and obligations tell you if it’s a worthwhile idea to pursue.

- Your household budget.
- Any debt or recurring bills.
- Your investment or travel goals.

Your ideal business will meet and exceed these goals.
6. Full-time or part-time

A venture that suits you depends on whether you can go full-time or part-time.

- Your schedule.
- Balancing time with your main job.

e.g., If you have a demanding job, maybe all you can do is develop the idea to the next step right now.
7. Examine your personal circumstances.

- Your city.
- Family and kids.
- Immigration/visa restrictions.


If you live in an expensive city and have kids, you have to balance childcare and expenses to free up time.
Spend some time pondering on these 7 steps.

Decide which ideas will suit you best.

Avoid analysis paralysis, though.

Action produces results.

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