THREAD: 7 keys to giving next level feedback

In sports—as in business and life—psychology and language can make all the difference in unlocking the potential of others

Great coaches recognize this and carefully craft their approach, demeanor, and the composition of their words
🔑 Keep the positive personal, make the negative technical

Triumph their wins - draw clear associations b/t their efforts and the successful outcome.

Don’t attach blame to failure - key in on the technical/tactical solution.

Model “extreme ownership” & they will follow.
🔑 Window of opportunity

Timing is everything. What you say is only as effective as *when* you say it.

If emotion is high, they will not be open to internalize critical feedback and this could lead to long-term performance anxiety, or resent.

Resent fractures trust.
🔑 Destroy the myth of the “natural”

Be intentional about using growth vs fixed language to shift their mindset.

Focus on what they can control. Embrace failure as a fundamental and welcome part of the growth cycle.
🔑 Create an environment that is safe to take calculated risks - and fail

Psychological safety is a defining characteristic of elite organizations.

Instill it and you’ll dramatically increase confidence, creativity, trust, and overall productivity.
🔑 Remove the safety net

If you’re quick to rush in with the answer, you’re simply hardening their dependence.

Silence can be powerful - force them to figure it out.

Establish the overall intent and challenge them to move from “what do I do?” —> “this is what I’m going to do.”
🔑 People will rise—or fall—to the level of your expectations

Be careful not to label them based on past failures or shortcomings. Do so, and they’ll often prove you right.

Instead, set the bar just out of reach & lift them up with “I believe in you”

It could change their life
🔑 Do this > Don’t do that

Focus attention on the desired action & positive outcomes.

Cue them on what *not* to do and they’ll be consumed by the thought of screwing up. In turn, they’re more likely to ... screw up.

e.g. “take care of the ball” > “don’t turn the ball over”
As @RyanHoliday reminds us, ‘Ego is the Enemy’

Above all, remember it’s not about you. It’s about helping them.

Any successes are because of them, and any failures are because of you.

The sooner you realize this, the greater impact you can have on others.
If you learned something, follow me for more inspirational tweets and threads to unlock that next level of performance in yourself and others.

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