2/ Also, US hospitals don't want to buy #KN95 designed masks, or others that may have low standards, even if they have NIOSH approval.
3/ To beat the virus everyone needs to have access to #BetterMasks that meet both fit and filtration protection standards.

This is not a one-size-fits all problem, and has to be addressed on the individual level.
4/ I really like this from @AbraarKaran in a recent @washingtonpost OpEd where the Gov could give "vouchers that people can redeem online [...] People could select the [masks] they most prefer [with] the best size [and] fit"

5/ Whatever the solution we need to start with being honest with Americans. Tell them the truth about fit and filtration and let each person decide for themselves.

The best solution isn't the most perfect solution, but the one people actually use.

⬇️ https://twitter.com/AbraarKaran/status/1361315989523034115?s=20
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