in defence of Dashavatars
(A Thread)
Such is the horrible time that i will need to defend the most famous vaishnava belief from twitter pandits. Ghor Kaliyuga indeed.
Anyways the most dumbest arguments i have heard against Dashavatars are :
1.Vedas don't mention them
2.Later addition by invaders to set agendas
Before starting the thread I would like to remind you all that Avatars of Lord Vishnu are basically manifestations done by him
Ofcourse avatars can be uncountable , but available list to us provides name of main ones.
Narayaniyam section of Mahabharata gives 3 different lists of dasavataras, where the term used is प्रादुर्भाव and not अवतार.
शृणु नारद तत्त्वेन प्रादुर्भावान् महामुने ।
मत्स्य कूर्मो वराहश्च नरसिंहश्च वामनः ॥
रामो रामश्च रामश्च कृष्णः कल्की च ते दश । MB 12.339.77-90
हंस कूर्मश्च मत्स्यश्च प्रादुर्भावा द्विजोत्तम॥
वराहो नरसिंहश्च वामनो राम एव च।
रामो दाशरथिश्चैव सात्वतः कल्किरेव च॥ MB 12.339.103-104

रूपाण्यनेकान्यसृजत्प्रादुर्भावे भवाय सः।
वाराहं नारसिंहं च वामनं मानुषं तथा॥
एभिर्मया निहन्तव्या दुर्विनीता सुरारयः। MB 12.349.37
I know what's going to be next excuse. "3 different lists vroo".
Ever heard of Kalpa bheda?

Contradictory statements given by scriptures often refer to events happened in different kalpa
12th century Ajmer Inscription of Chauhan Maharajas mentions Daśāvatāras of Bhagavān Viṣṇu:
▪️Kola (Varāha)
▪️Daśāsyāntakrit (Dāśarathi Rāma)

ye bhi manipulated hai kya?
हरि अनंत हरि कथा अनंता।
कहहिं सुनहिं बहुबिधि सब संता॥
रामचंद्र के चरित सुहाए।
कलप कोटि लगि जाहिं न गाए॥

राम अनंत अनंत गुन अमित कथा बिस्तार।
सुनि आचरजु न मानिहहिं जिन्ह कें बिमल बिचार॥

: Ramcharitamanas
So we know Bhagwan Vishnu's avatars are infinite, But the 24 list of avatars are main ones and out of it Dashavatars are the most important ones for us.

We haven't limited Sri hari's avatars to 10 by ourselves he himself knows what's best and sufficient for us.
And no veda kanging on twitter won't work with me, either be a pure mimansak or be a vaishnava scholar.
in the end i will just say :
म्लेच्छ-निवह-निधने कलयसि करवालम्
धूमकेतुम् इव किम् अपि करालम्
केशव धृत-कल्कि-शरीर जय जगदीश हरे!
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