#zinequest is still cruising along, as you may or may not know. This is gonna be a thread of live or upcoming projects that I think are worth your attention! I might miss some, let me know (I haven't browsed the tag in a couple of days but probably will later today)
Unfortunately for us all I have to start with my own currently live project. Is it a shitpost? Is it earnest? Is it a critique? Am I just seeing if I have what it takes to make monthly content before trying it big time with a patreon? Even I don't know. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adamebell/adam-bells-zinequest-mini-zine-bounty-board
Next! You have 45 minutes left on Contorta by @frostyDeanna. I'm looking forward to trying to play this game about Appalachian horror out in the woods, and wouldn't you know it this game is designed for that. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deannak/contorta-rpg
Another time crunch! 2 hours left on Where Mystery Dwells by @KatamoiranGames. I'm very excited to see what how this one turns out because the page strikes such a great balance between fun whimsy and DANGER for 1-2 players https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/katamoiran/where-mystery-dwells
And of course, the last one ending soon is TORQ by @will_jobst. Drive some cars through a weird world and then hang out and think about shit. I've seen a slice of the 'drive cars' portion and here's a secret: it's a board game that does story really well. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/willjobst/torq
alright, we're out of the "2 days left to back these ones" danger zone, so if you've got a project ending soon feel free to post it here! I'm going to continue with some other exciting looking games that have a bit more runway left on their kickstarters.
Habits of the Common House Ghost by @braverun_wlh is the perfect game for one of those days where you'd like to relax with a game instead of some high stakes adventure or w/e games usually have. See what happens when a ghost's routines get all jumbled up. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/braverun/habits-of-the-common-house-ghost
Errant by @yungdumbitch might finally be the fantasy game for me. I love it when games have a set of procedures to engage with to deal with special circumstances, so a game that touts itself as 'rules light, procedure heavy' is exactly my shit https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/avaislam/errant
I've never seen the inspirations for this game but that won't stop me from really wanting to play it. @AdiraSlattery knows how intense of an experience a designer can curate with a 2 player game, and it shows with Tension. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/adiraslattery/tension-0
d36 by @pangalactic. Chris is trying to make a quarterly zine full of wild content from a bunch of different designers. Each zine will have its own theme, so they'll be pretty distinct. Issue 1's theme is 'red', and the visuals are cool as hell https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/loottheroom/d36-a-strange-rpg-zine
vis-a-visage by @maxwellander: i'm in for any rpg that calls itself competitive, but the setup where you each fill out a character sheet and then rip the top parts off and exchange them to represent the fact that youre swapping faces absolutely rules. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/snaxwell/vis-a-visage-a-2-player-competetive-face-swapping-ttrpg
Sidenote - if you'd rather something like this thread but in an entertaining audio medium, check out the latest episode of the Brain Trust Podcast https://twitter.com/will_jobst/status/1362159282821730314
or if livestreams and video content is more your thing, head over to @plusoneexp where Tony has been doing a ton of #zinequesting and supporting the scene in general
a loud noise in a quiet place by @IAmPhophos brings us introspective play based on Marx's own experience with temporary hearing loss. Games are a great medium for sharing how our different experiences affect our lives, so this one immediately caught my eye https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/marx-of-high-water/a-loud-noise-in-a-quiet-place
Speaking of @IAmPhophos check out the Yes Indie'd podcast! They've interviewed almost two dozen zinequest designers about their work which is just a huge undertaking, They also do fairly regular chats with indie designers. Every episode I've listened to so far has been a delight.
Another great zinequest project is A Greeblin's Journey by @thomasanovosel. It's not on kickstarter!! It's crowdfunding on itch. It's a journaling game about a little greeblin going on a journey of necessity after being ousted from their home. https://thomasnovosel.itch.io/a-greeblins-journey
next is Arcana Palace: Competitive Tarot Reading by @AdamHegemier. Courtly intrigue and having a hand of tarot cards that you play to change the story make this one a yes for me. It hasn't hit the funding goal yet so check it out now! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/clockworkmonk/arcane-palace-competitive-tarot-reading
Here are two great games by @sealedlibrary/ @iammattsanders. I'm a big fan of HYHAB - telling stories about some vile beast in a tavern and then unfortunately finding them all to be true when you fight it. And the other game has you build out a hex map đź‘€ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/iammattsanders/have-you-heard-about-the-beast-and-we-sail-beyond
I don't think I've gotten through all of the live projects yet, but here are a few upcoming projects that you should hit the big remind me button on
You can follow @adamebell.
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