Stream & YouTube Tip: most “gurus” giving advice got their knowledge 6 years ago, which is why it’s important to listen to someone who still works with creators regularly AND has the history for context. There’s quite a few of us out there.
None of us will normalize view-botting
Thankfully on YouTube there aren’t too many bad eggs. Aside from myself, there’s Harris, Devin Nash is a gold mine, and Ludwig’s talks with Harris have been good since he’s a newly-exploded streamer.
But on TikTok and Twitch itself there’s a lot of snake oil going around.
And most YouTube tips videos are absolute garbage and always have been so there’s that.
I do believe there’s a recurring cycle to trends and bad habits on these platforms so someone who hasn’t been around for a lot of it will miss important details too.
But no one with any real experience or worth their salt is going to say that they found success by getting as many people as possible to pull their stream or videos up in a tab muted and never actually watched. Most of us fell into that trap when first starting and ONLY found
Success after stopping those terrible habits and learning to do real work. Has happened on YouTube for a decade now, Twitch for almost as long. The 0 viewer struggle is real, but it’s nothing new and doesn’t excuse cheating and wasting your time with fake “support”
I’m not un-sympathetic to the “struggle” - but no one should be sympathetic to cheating and lying to yourself
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