I hope a shark bites off whatever form of penis Ted Cruz has.
I hope a giant block of ice falls from the sky right on the tip of his penis in such a way that they'd have to cut his dick off to free him from being trapped by it.
I hope someone punches his testicles like a speed bag and punches them so hard they fly in to the sun
I hope Tec Cruz's wife leaves him, his kids grow to hate him, and his penis shrivels up even more and falls off.
I hope Ted Cruz orders an expensive meal but when it arrives they slam it in his face and spit in his mouth and then shit on his chest.
I hope a rain cloud appears over Ted Cruz's head but instead of raining on him it hails 24/7 and it makes his life miserable
I hope Ted Cruz has horrible gas in front of every person he respects and wants to like him, just the worst gas, so they never wanna be near him.
I hope Ted Cruz goes to yawn in public and a bird shits in his open mouth and he tries to clean it with water but the water turns in to more shit when it enters his mouth
I hope Ted Cruz comes home and goes "I love my house" and a ufo crashes in to his house, destroying it, and then an alien pops out and smacks the shit out of him while shouting alien swear words at him
Okay that's all I've got in me for now but just understand that I absolutely despise Ted Cruz and I wish nothing but terrible awful no good things on him and him alone.
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