Embarrassing article.
• 2X thermal (gas, coal, nuclear) as wind power went offline
• years since climate shifted from simply “warming” to “warming and more extreme weather”
• Canada and USA operate vast gas and wind power without freezing
#cdnpoli https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rex-murphy-as-texas-winter-storm-shows-hurling-public-money-at-renewable-energy-is-pure-folly
Gas, then wind, the most volatile Texas power supply.
Nuclear and coal the most stable.
#cdnpoli https://twitter.com/eiagov/status/1362411662112882700
Lesson in Texas, as in 1998 Québec and Ontario, is about resilience to occasional extreme weather conditions. A few inches of icy rain can wreak havoc if your power supply or grid are not designed to handle it...regardless of the type of power.
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