Biden rejoining the nuclear deal would be huge. As you may recall, Trump tore up the deal in 2018, reimposing all nuclear sanctions on Iran - and then some.
Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign was a spectacular failure. Iran’s nuclear program expanded, rocket attacks against US troops in Iraq, counter-ISIS campaign’s impossible to overstate just how much of a disaster this was.
But it’s just a first step. The US can say we’re in the deal, but unless we lift the sanctions we promised to lift, we are not in compliance.
The tricky part will be the US and Iran negotiating a step by step return to full compliance. Iran takes a step to roll back its nuclear program, gets some sanctions relief in return. Step by step, until we get to full compliance.
For more on the implications of reducing nuclear inspections, see this great thread by @KelseyDav
Bottom line: will President Biden mention the Iran deal @MunSecConf tomorrow? No idea. Here’s what I do know: whatever he says, it will be great. We’re back in Paris, back in the WHO...

America is back. And that is something to celebrate.
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