Let me tell ALL OF YOU, and NOW only sharing in high “stakes” a freaking snow storm in TX to do this “publicly” why I love my DAD so much, and WHY it drove me to NO longer say “ally” that I am a part of LGBTQ.. officially! 🏳️‍🌈 👇🏽

When I came out to my Dad:
Recently, even though my sister had done the same before.. I was scared! He would NOW have BOTH daughters in happy heterosexual relationships (non religious) saying something that went against the “bible” he preached on.. and all he said to me was “Are you happy?” 👇🏽
I said yes! And before he could finish, I rambled on about how it must make him feel and my sis and blah blah and there was this WHOLE hesitation.. and he said “You know what’s great about Christ?” I had NO answer.. he said “All he cares about is living life with authenticity”👇🏽
*crickets from me.. *He interrupts* “ I don’t care who you love.. what you love.. because I’m your DAD first! In Christianity this only means happiness! Do you understand?”

I said I did even though I didn’t. And he said one last thing..

“Like God felt.. I’ll ALWAYS love you!”
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