Over 900 UK health and care workers have died of COVID-19, most due to occupational exposure. They continue to die because infection control in health and care settings is built around an outdated 'droplet' model which ignores that #CovidIsAirborne. 1/

Previous tweet linked to a diagram and paper by Nick Wilson summarising evidence that so-called 'aerosol generating procedures' (AGPs) are often LESS risky than spending time in the same room as patients who are coughing and breathless. 2/
The implications are profound. We need to stop the 'infection control theatre' of putting round sticky patches 2 metres apart, assuming any object is a fomite (i.e. transmits the virus) and repeatedly gelling hands. 3/
Precautions for *airborne* infection in health/care settings include a) VENTILATION, b) reducing time spent in rooms with other people, c) high-grade PPE even when NOT doing AGPs, d) ensuring that *everyone* is masked for source control unless over-riding reason not to. 4/
These are matters of life and death. As a healthcare worker and the parent of a HCW, and having attended funerals of HCWs who died in the course of their work, I ask you to read the paper at the start of this thread and help support AIRBORNE precautions in health/care settings./5
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