Linus Torvalds gave the software world 2 of its greatest gifts in the Linux kernel & git - but while those technologies originated in Europe, it was American companies like Github & RedHat that captured much of their value - why has Europe failed to build big dev focused cos?👇
today developers are the most important decision-makers in the software ecosystem, and, as software eats the world, the most important decision-makers in business. That sentence would have been controversial 10 years ago, now it's banal. 2/
this shift in power to developers was formally announced on 12th of July 2000 when when the the CEO of the most influential software company in the world went on stage to scream into the void; 'Developers! Developers! Developers!' 3/
So the 'rise of the developer' is now a thing - what has it really changed? It's unlocked a huge amount of latent value in software markets. Its been a long march that is only accelerating & as software becomes easier to build, developers become more and more influential 4/
Where does Europe sit in this technology revolution? Europe has one of the largest developer ecosystems in the world. We benefit from an extremely well funded public university system from undergrad through to PhD. Yet we have no Stanford equivalent 5/
We've had some big exits. MySQL & Elastic being the 2 that stand out. Elastic was even the first major IPO of a developer led, open source core product in Europe. But these wins are isolated. Flickering sparks in the night start few blazing fires. 6/
There is no MySQL mafia. For every 100 BCG Rocket Internet alumni raising a seed round for their latest productivity tool, there's 1 Elastic SRE contemplating a startup. The flywheel of innovation just hasn't started spinning yet but that's changing. It's changing in a big way 7/
More & more US companies are basing their engineering & product teams in Europe. European developers are seeing the opportunity not just to build something for fun or work for someone else but to start something themselves.Finally, enough VCs 'get' developer focused companies 8/
It's this environment of expertise, ambition, opportunity & capital that I think is going to produce a generation of massive European developer-focused (not all strictly DevTools) companies. Here's some of the most interesting ones & my blog below /9
This is by no means an exhaustive list its just a snapshot of some of the developer-focused companies I've come across in the past 18 months & I truly believe these cos can go toe to toe with the rest of the world in this sector. If I missed any companies reply with them 18/
Honourable mentions to the VCs investing in a lot of these companies at seed @Boldstartvc @AmplifyPartners @crane_vc @FlyVC @PointNineCap @SystemOneVC @pmoe @localglobevc @firstminutecap & tonnes more out there ends/
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