Thought your Blue Wave was $BLUE related. No I do not fear govt price controls personally. I'm far more worried about tax policy and anti growth initiatives like the $4 increase Seattle just mandated which already led to 2 announced store closures
https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/politics/seattle-city-council-approves-4-per-hour-mandatory-pay-boost-for-grocery-workers-during-covid-19-pandemic/ https://twitter.com/cbtadvisors/status/1362359725279633412
Price hikes in pharma have already moderated. We used to see double digit % increases every year. Pharma got the message and cut it to 4.8% in 2016 as Epipen fiasco was raging.
2020 prices on generics were up too much over 6% while others were moderately lower around 3%. biopharmas like $NVS are spinning out generics and focusing on their pipeline - even #ARK fcst a return to 20+% topline growth from innovation in 5yrs https://www.goodrx.com/blog/july-drug-price-hikes-2020/
Price controls on gene therapy products are likely to be attacked as we have already seen with the few announced. Reality is cures are significantly cheaper than perpetual treatments/drugs to slow disease and moderate symptoms. Noisy yes. Bad outcomes unlikely
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