🤓 Seen the video kicking around on #footballindex with Head Engineers from @footballindex & @Enginearsio?

Not techy and want to know what it means without listening to the whole hour?

High level summary from tech business analysts @fi_dora & @AYC17 👇🏼
1️⃣ 🌍 International Expansion

In the video they talk about ‘Project Hadron’ which is essentially a new platform being developed in the background. Its aim is to make #footballindex more scalable, be it to new territories, where rules, currencies etc are different.
2️⃣ 💨 Quicker change

New ways of working, whereby tech developers work over various projects and gain experience of more parts of the tech, enables the teams to deliver quicker, be more agile, make the platform more reliable and spread the workload between #footballindex devs.
3️⃣ 📚 Order Books

As most have suggested, and Akash said previously, #footballindex rushed out the offers and then bids working around the clock to deliver these.
4️⃣ 💻 Technology

The software #footballindex are using is top of the range and while there have been big changes for us, it seems the same has been happening in the tech department too with new systems and ways of working.
5️⃣ 😁 Great place to work

Riyad in particular enthused about how #footballindex is a great company to work for and how seamlessly he has joined the team, even remotely.

This should help keep hold of the best talent and keep the tech moving forward.
💬 @AYC17: “From a tech standpoint they're making the 100% right moves”

💬 @fi_dora: “High quality tech and modern ways of working show FIs ambition - the future looks bright. Hopefully existing users reap the rewards.”
Here’s the link to the full YouTube video if you want to check it out. Thanks @Sky_Kangaroo for sharing. https://twitter.com/sky_kangaroo/status/1362180459954855940
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