"Many a false steps were taken by standing still."

Is Punjab really that great?

Identification of the psyche that restricts any possibility of change is required, if one needs to overhaul the 'lack' in 'Punjab's progress' since the last 70 years.
Understand just this,
"if we won't change anything,
nothing will change."

And in our psyche,

the 'imposed identity' of "Contemptful, laid back, everjoyous and non-serious people, I.e
Punjabis", is good but in excess, when we just latch on to that identity, a problem arises.
'Our laziness towards building something new for the society',

Renaissance Europe isn't considered great because it lacked social evils but because despite being bound by them, they collectively worked upon some really astonishing engineering and scientific feats.
They weren't 'Sleeping', their lack of satisfaction with what they 'already' had was the source of all creation.

Look around, I ask again.
Are you satisfied with what Punjab is today?

Tokyo was destroyed multiple times not just by war but majorly by earthquakes, many of them.
Tokyo is one of the most fascinating places to be or to see as of today 2021,
They built it back not once, multiple times.

Through a thing called,
'KAIZEN' - Small incremental steps, 'progress little by little every day.'

I'll talk about this in another thread in the future.
Punjabis are contemptful, joyous and everything the stereotype suggests,

but we shouldn't identify with 'that identity' to a point that our will to make something new,

which we don't have just goes away.

Santokh and Chardhi Kala are great concepts,
follewed by most Punjabis by Sikhs and others regardless of religion, as well.

य: सर्वत्रानभिस्नेहस्तत्तत्प्राप्य शुभाशुभम् |
नाभिनन्दति न द्वेष्टि तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता ||

"One who remains unattached under all conditions, and is neither delighted by good fortune nor
dejected by tribulation, he is a sage with perfect knowledge."

- Shri Krishan in Bhagwat Geeta.
Santokh and contentment with what we have is all good, but remember even Guru Gobind Singh's durbar had poets and artisans

writing and making the best of stuff as a 'creative expression' of the skills that God had given them.

Inventions, architecture and everything else...
is an expression of God through us as humans for the Theists and for the atheists,

what is the point of you living your only life,

without leaving a mark on the pages of people's minds?
Be satisfied but express, follow the middle path as ' Gautama Buddha'would say.

Be both detached and act to bring something new, help Punjab.

'Don't wait for a change to happen, make change happen.'
Instead of idealizing Singers and dancing to their 'Tunes' why not make something yourself and it better not be another song although that is welcome as well if it doesn't follow the pathetic trend we've witnessed since the 80s.
"Pointing a problem out without giving a solution is just whining.", many of us can learn from this,

The way forward is just two things :

- Parting ways with the old identity

- welcoming the new 'you',

be ambitious, don't just listen about the 'Mamba mentality', live it.
All this can be achieved with small incremental steps, Kaizen.

I'll be making threads (in continuation) that can help make a 'person',

into the solid brick that lays a foundation of an impenetrable wall, 'A Resurgent Punjab'.

Don't stand still, act.

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