Case for why the Mughal Empire should not be called a Muslim Empire:
1. Babur, who founded the Mughal dynasty, was descended from shamanic Mongols who destroyed Baghdad. He drank wine and didn’t pray. It is strongly rumored that he was a homosexual with a fondness for young boys.
2. Humayun, the second king, was pleasure loving and ruled for only a short time. He spent most of his time in battles in Afghanistan and northern India. He was also now known to be a big believer and religious in life.
3. The third Mughal, Akbar, was officially a non-Muslim and almost a Hindu. He left Islam and created a new religion named Ain-e-Akbari. He was also a long lasting ruler who ruled for 50 years.
4. The fourth one, Jahangir, like his father, was not a Muslim; he allowed, for example, the Jesuits to dispute publicly with Muslims (theologians) and to make converts. He was also very interested in Indian religious philosophy, and might have been a secret convert to Hinduism.
5. Shah Jahan and his son Dara were known to be followers of Sarmad, who was openly critical of the Kalama, the Islamic injunction of faith. Shah Jahan and Dara were known to visit Sarmad who propagated that Muhammad was not a Prophet.
6. The last one, Aurangzeb is the only one for whom a case can be made that he was a Muslim. However, due to his overzealousness in faith and imperial overreach, the Marathas rose in revolt and the Mughal Empire crumbled in the latter years of his life.
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