UI folks, I love your successes, and case studies, and systems, but I also want to hear about your UI mistakes.

How did they happen? What was the impact? What did you learn from them?

I'll start. I once foolishly ripped off a UI feature that had been in TW series for years...
in order to simplify it for new players, without considering that veteran players had grown used to it. Naturally, they weren't happy with the change and it degraded their experience. I, however, didn't want to just revert back, because my change made new player's life easier...
So it was at this point that the "Why not both?" GIF hit me and I realized that there are times when there isn't a one size fits all solution and instead it's better to let the players choose what they'll use.
Note: This curiosity was sparked by @dorian_stewart sharing an interesting controller nav VS mouse nav UI mistake he made years ago.
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