1. Since the winterpocalypse is upon us and all. Here is Dempsey’s tips on preparing.
2. Water. Bottled water is cheap as fuck. Have a lot of it. In a pinch you can wash your ass with it
3. Food. Beans and rice and rice and beans.

That is all.
4. Coleman stoves/jet boils.

Why do you not own one? You can cook food, make coffee, and make things warm.
5. Generators. I am well acquainted with these bastards because of hurricanes and shit. You might not need one to run the whole house. Maybe just what’s actually important
Fuel. For gods sake do not buy E85 for your generators. Get some ethanol free and add Stabil or SeaFoam.
6. If you have a wood fireplace or stove? Maybe have a couple cords of that fuel handy.
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