Even if lockdown lifts in April many will be out of work longer in the wedding industry. My next event is in June thanks to the planning lead time. BUT we need to reopen ASAP a) for couples needing to get married b) to increase consumer confidence and prevent postponements 1/6
We are not like the rest of hospitality or retail in that they can open their doors and start trading immediately. Moreover they have had a chance at least to bring in revenue in 2020. The wedding industry has been closed or so heavily restricted we cannot trade. 2/6
The govt MUST understand our supply chain. Very loud and clear I am saying #noto15 guests. It doesn’t work for businesses. Neither does 30 or 50. Many cultures and religions are being actively discriminated against with these arbitrary numbers. 3/6
Smaller wedding guest limits might work for *some* venues or fixed cost suppliers. It does not work for florists, caterers, larger venues, hire companies, stationery designers, planners etc. If they open us with ANY limits/social distancing then we need significant support. 4/6
And if we can’t open fully for our season (April-Sep) then we are going to need targeted financial support in the billions of £ right through to April 2022. And they’ve already ignored us for ONE YEAR without a penny, can you imagine? 5/6
So we must unite. We must get loud. We are a diverse and brilliant sector. We are the job creators and hard workers that can help recovery. We are every corner of society. Every village, town and city. It’s time to #standupforweddings #whataboutweddings 6/6
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