My Mom was diagnosed with type 2 DM in 2013. I wished I knew what I know today would have successfully reversed it.

Of course yeah she is doing well, values have been dropping and im hopeful of a possible reversal.

The Doc prescribe wheat, Plantain, and Diabeta-meal🤡 for her.
My dad had an inflamed prostate, I took it up, sanitize all sugar from his Diets.

Morning every day from 11 pm, he and my Mum joins this #Autophagymarathon

The inflammation has reversed, not using catheter again credit to his Doc on this one too.
I'm telling you this story to consolidate what I do here

You know im a very private person

If you are healthy, you have infinite desires. But a sick person only Desires one thing: to be healthy.

I want my parents to live long enough for their grandkids.

That can also
Happen to you too.

Don't play with your health

Don't be Lackadaisical about your Diets.

Respect foods it respects you

Millions are dying yearly Due to complications associated with food overconsumption.

Refer to my pinned tweet.
You can follow @g_diets_.
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